Starglider CHEAT MODE: Slow down the ship completely and press [F] for fixed sights. Now pause the game with the [Backspace] and type in 'JS ARG S'. You'll now be invincible and your fuel and sheilds will never deplete. It also enables these keys: [P] - Restock missiles. [E] - Reboots the disk. [N] - 5000 points. [M] - Stops enemy aircraft. [Z] - * Secret object viewer. * - If you press [Z] to activate the secret object viewer pause the game and use the [{] and [}] to manipulate the objects. You can now use all of the keys except [Q] and [Esc]. Use the mouse to change the point of view, or magnification with the right mouse button. S T A R G L I D E R P O I N T V A L U E S ------------------- --------- ----------- T A R G E T P O I N T S M E T H O D ---------------------------- ----------- ------------- Missile 5 Laser Homing Missile ??? Laser??? Pyramid Mine 50 Laser Diamond Proximity Mine 400 Laser Walker 1500 Missile Starglider Drone 400 Laser Armoured Transport Vehicle 100 Laser Egron Battle Tank 200 Laser Bute Fighter 150 Laser Bute Fighter 500 Ram with AGAV Stomper 1750 Missile Skim Fighter 250 Laser Juno Cannon 400 Laser Lotus Starfighter 290 Laser Tri-Launcher 410 Missile Tri-Launcher 200 Laser Pyramid Launcher 275 Laser STARGLIDER ONE 7000 Missile (1 + level)